Lent Series: The Sign and the Sacrifice:
The Meaning of the Cross and Resurrection
Wednesdays 12th March – 9th April
at 5:30pm
in the Parish Hall
During the season of Lent, Christians are invited to prepare for Easter not just through fasting and by “giving things up”, but also through a renewed commitment to study and prayer. Each year, St. John’s offers the opportunity to do that with others as part of our five-week Lent Series. We meet each Wednesday evening to share a simple supper. This is followed by a discussion of the week’s reading before we end with the Eucharist. Childcare is provided.
This year we’ll be reading Rowan William’s brilliant short volume, The Sign and the Sacrifice: The Meaning of the Cross and Resurrection. The first part of this book provides us with an opportunity to focus on the symbol that lies at the heart of our faith and to deepen our understanding of the meaning of Christ’s sacrifice. The second part of the book invites us to contemplate the meaning of Christ’s resurrection, both then and now.
Copies of the book are available from the Parish Office. Please consider a donation of $10 toward the cost.