Gratitude is at the heart of Christianity.
At St. John’s, we always seek to name the blessings we receive—and there are so many of them! There is the beautiful landscape of the Western Run Valley. There is the wonderful community that God has called together around our church. There are the material gifts and comforts that we enjoy. There is the food on our table.
Truly, God is generous!
When we look back at our Christian story, we see that again and again, God has shown this generous and abundant love. We see God’s generous love through God’s creation of the World, in the incarnation of Christ, and in Christ’s reconciling sacrifice of himself.
The Scripture tells us that “we love because God first loved us” (1 John 4:19). And we believe that is only fitting that we should respond to God’s generous love by showing forth that generosity in our own lives. At St. John’s, we’re committed to sharing God’s generosity by “being doers of the Word, and not hearers only” (James 1:22). Beyond our ministry in this community, the work of our Mission Commission shares the gifts we receive with those who need them, both near and far. Meanwhile, we give approximately 14% of our income to the wider Episcopal Church to support those ministries that need it most.
If you would like to respond to God’s generosity in your life by giving to St. John’s, please follow the link to Realm, our digital giving service. Checks to St. John's Church can be mailed to 3738 Butler Road, Reisterstown, MD 21136. If you prefer to give a stock gift please contact the parish office at 410-429-4690 to speak to the Financial Administrator, or email to