Please Note
The application period for St. John's rector search is now closed. The discernment committee is currently reviewing applications and will be in touch with all candidates shortly.
Dear Potential Rector Candidate,
Welcome to St. John’s Church, Western Run Parish. We are delighted that you have opened our portfolio, and we look forward to sharing with you our vibrant and thriving community through our information, stories, and photos. As Senior Warden, I have the privilege of serving the parishioners of St. John’s as we set out to determine what God is calling us to do at this time and in this place. What I love about this opportunity is that I am doing it alongside warm, caring and thoughtful people who believe that we are at our best when we embrace our nature of being a Christ-centered community committed to serving God, one another, and those outside our walls, welcoming strangers, and providing each of us with a safe place to explore our faith.
When our long-time rector, the Rev. Tracy Bruce, retired at the end of December 2022, we entered this season of discernment with a clear aim to spend time in reflection about God’s call for our parish and our dreams and hopes for our future and our next rector. We were aided in this effort by two important and hard-working committees, and we are so thankful for the time and energy they have provided to this work. The members of the Discernment and Portfolio Committees are listed below.
Discernment Committee
Judd Anderson, Chair
Will Cook
Jamie Gianoutsos
Penny Levering
Dominic Vecchiollo
Amanda Wharton
Michael Yaggy
Portfolio Committee
Christianna McCausland, Chair
Lee Carpenter
Cindy Sullivan
We have also been blessed by a wonderful staff during this transitional time, which has allowed us to continue our inspirational worship services, beautiful musical offerings, adult and child formation ministries, and the efficient and competent operations of the parish. The staff has also enjoyed the benefit of outstanding lay leadership and volunteers in the above ministries and in areas of mission, altar guild, pastoral care, finance and stewardship, and property oversight. The volunteer spirit is alive and well at St. John’s.
I am grateful for your consideration of this call. I pray that you will be blessed by learning more about what God is doing here at St. John’s as you read through this portfolio. Perhaps as you hear our voices you will also hear the voice of the Holy Spirit encouraging you to offer your application to this discernment.
Ann Hankin, Senior Warden